
Hello my readers!

To start off. I’m a wife, a working mom and a mother of 4. Being a mom is tough but providing a healthy meal for your kids on a budget is even tougher. I am always trying to find ways to save whether it’s on groceries, things for our home, or activities for our family. Finding information can always be a pain, and when you find information on the internet, how much of it is the truth or actually worth it, can be even harder to decipher. I’m here to share my experiences good or bad, from product testing, projects that have worked or failed, as well as, recipes. Recipes that I post on here will be family tested and commented on. If you are anything like me, having children can be hard to please, especially during mealtime and any help we can get to make life easier, we will take! Trying to juggle the responsibilities of everyday life can be hard for anyone, especially in our economy today. I enjoy helping people and if I can share my experiences to make someone’s life a least a little bit easier, then I've done what I set out to do. Please feel free to comment and share your opinions. Everything is always appreciated here! I’d love to hear your feedback.

A Minnesota mommy

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